
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


81 Dawlish Avenue - LAWRENCE PARK

81 Dawlish Avenue - LAWRENCE PARK

Who is in charge of allowing things like this to be built?

There is so much potential on a lot this size but a house with brick siding and builder brick facade has been built.  With TERRIBLE windows.  What is THAT!?!

This property was listed 2 years ago on March 9, 2010 for $1,550,000.

It has been replaced by this beauty that is now listed at $4,199,000.

There are better pictures here but you get the gist.  It is a whole lot of 'what the funk are people in the city doing allowing this to be built in Toronto' kind of house.

Lawrence Park used to be like this...

or this...

or this...

Ok, it was never really that but...

Now it's more like this...

For $4,199,000?  Is this the one?

Probably not.

304 Crawford Street - LITTLE ITALY

304 Crawford Street - LITTLE ITALY

84 Ilford Avenue - WYCHWOOD

84 Ilford Avenue - WYCHWOOD