
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


16 Cornish Road - MOORE PARK

16 Cornish Road - MOORE PARK

This house has already sold but after receiving an email from a reader (thanks!), I thought I would post it.

I also noticed this amazing blue chair in the listing that I hadn't seen before.  I want that chair...

Back to the house and the email...

My reader makes the point that this house was listed at $975,000 and sold for $1,176,100.  And it's a gutter.  When I saw the sold price, I was kind of shocked as well!

Her thought is that you would need to put in $400,000 or $500,000 to bring it up to date (agreed).  Maybe even more if you want to add an addition.   It then makes the Roxborough house (that has a garage) look like a 'deal'.  

So, $1,676,000 (without a big addition, maybe a family room out the back...) versus $2,048,000 for the Roxborough place.  

I agree if your priority is Rosedale and proximity to Yonge Street but if you are looking for a family house (that isn't that much further to Yonge), this place would win hands down.  It's still almost $500,000 less and it is done how you want it.    With the Roxborough house, it is going to seem run down soon and it will soon take another $100,000 to $200,000 to update it so you are really looking at a $2.25 house.

And this street is VERY family friendly unlike Roxborough which is very busy traffic wise.  

To me, it actually makes the point that the Roxborough house is definitely overpriced!  

I suppose it all depends if you are looking for location or family friendly!  And if you want a done, updated house.

But it was probably a flipper who bought it (and probably for $100,000 too much) and they are probably going to eff up the place anyhow....unless of course it was the 22 Cornish flipper!

Speaking of 22 Cornish, as my reader said, it makes that house which sold for $1,410,000, look like a STEAL!  I completely agree!

PS. if you are going to watch this video...press mute before hand.  TRUST me.

RELIST - 143 Macpherson Avenue - SUMMERHILL

RELIST - 143 Macpherson Avenue - SUMMERHILL

155 Roxborough Street East - ROSEDALE

155 Roxborough Street East - ROSEDALE