
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


16 Vesta Drive - FOREST HILL

16 Vesta Drive - FOREST HILL

Geesh!  Look at this thing!

Several readers have sent in this listing with some thoughts...

One reader (thanks RA!) compared the front of this house to this episode of Friends...

While another reader (thanks J!) said that though people's architectural taste is personal, this may be 'one of the ugliest houses that's gone up in Forest Hill in some time!'.

And with a listing price of $5,195,000, this is going to be a hard sell.

Why didn't they use that yellow brick that is on the back of the house for the front?  Why is the garage wall panelled in that stone stuff?

And why isn't there a proper fence!?!  For $5.2 million, they could have thrown in a proper fence.  Not to mention all the 'extras' going on in the kitchen.

This is a 4 bedroom, 7 bathroom house on a 50 x 126 foot lot.

If this is the kind of money I had to spend on a house, this would NOT be on the top of my list, especially since the first thing that came to my mind when I saw that dining room light was this...

Not sure I could do it.

I'm sure this house is for someone though.  Just not at this price....

That dog shower in the basement is a nice touch though.

277 Mutual Street - CHURCH AND WELLESLEY

277 Mutual Street - CHURCH AND WELLESLEY

And it went for....

And it went for....