
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


443 Oriole Parkway Road - CHAPLIN ESTATES

443 Oriole Parkway Road - CHAPLIN ESTATES

On Monday, a reader sent in this house (thanks J!).

She mentioned that it has been under construction for what feels like forever and then all of a sudden, just over a week ago, the house had urns, a lawn, and a house number (though you can't see it in this photo).

But is it a new build because it doesn't really look any different on the outside than it did 2 years ago...

Just a little tidied up.

Inside is very new build feeling.

The whole kitchen/family room space is huge and could be amazing but there is just something missing. I can't tell if that is a brand new kitchen or if it has been there for 8 years already.  But according to the listing, it was a back to the bricks renovation completed in 2010.

It's got the wrought iron stairs that I don't love.  And speaking of stairs, is anyone else really bothered by the location?  I find that really odd that they come down right into the kitchen.

And who picked the paint colours for this place!?!

Between the staging furniture and those colours, this place is really drab, and I am not talking in the plural noun kind of way.

This house is 6+1 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms on a 50 x 148.5 foot lot.

My favourite part of the house is the backyard but the inside is good too.

I just don't understand why there are so many built-in desks.  Who needs, or wants, that many built-in desks?

In 2008, this house was a duplex and was listed for $1,299,000.

It didn't sell and the price was dropped to $1,225,000. 

Three weeks ago, and after a full renovation, this house was listed for $3,350,000.

It was way too high and has been dropped.

The new price is $3,175,000.

Though the house is done top to bottom, I still think it is a little high.

It is on a busy street and there are some quirks.

But I do think it can sell for high $2s.  It just might need another price drop.


And it went for....

And it went for....

75 Victor Avenue - RIVERDALE

75 Victor Avenue - RIVERDALE