
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


186 Wallace Avenue - JUNCTION TRIANGLE

186 Wallace Avenue - JUNCTION TRIANGLE

When I first saw the listing for this place at 186 Wallace Avenue, I thought it was a weird church or something.  

But then I thought of the house around the corner at

730 Lansdowne Avenue


That looked like a store but was actually a fully renovated single family house on the inside.

This place is also a single family house.  It is a 3+1 bedroom, 3 bathroom detached on a 19 x 100 foot lot with 1 laneway parking spot.

But though this is fully renovated on the inside like the house on Lansdowne, the interiors don't share a lot of similarities.  That house was more contemporary...

And this place, as one of the many readers who sent it in called, it is more 'Steampunk'.

Or as the listing says...

If this house were a man, you’d want to date him.

Whatever you want to call it, and Steampunk is probably the best description, it is a unique house.

The first floor is a great living space but could be converted into a store front leaving just the kitchen on the first floor.  

As for the kitchen, if you like to cook, this is a pretty amazing oven...

The fridge isn't bad either...

The bedrooms are all a good size (except for the one on the third floor).   I don't love the main bathroom shower tile...

But it fits in with the steampunk vibe.

There is a deck with room for a large sitting area and a 9 x 14 foot lap pool plus a rooftop deck.

And apparently the basement could be converted into an income property.

So, if you are into steampunk, this place is AMAZING.

The smaller 2 bedroom house around the corner at 730 Lansdowne Avenue was listed at $679,900.  It sold for $766,000.

This house is listed at $999,000.

I think it will sell closer to $1,275,000.

And if it sells for even more (which it might)...

 I think this will be the reaction of the owners...

(thanks to everyone who sent this in, and I'm guessing those people above may have been some of them!)


SOLD - 4 Ridley Gardens - RONCESVALLES

SOLD - 4 Ridley Gardens - RONCESVALLES

11A Garden Avenue - RONCESVALLES

11A Garden Avenue - RONCESVALLES