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27 Brock Avenue #106 - PARKDALE, TORONTO (9 Comments)

27 Brock Avenue #106 - PARKDALE, TORONTO (9 Comments)

This is a 1+1(?), 1 bathroom, 1,390 square foot loft with 1 parking spot at 27 Brock Avenue in The Brock Lofts just north of Queen Street in Parkdale.

It's a good sized space for a 1 bedroom with an open kitchen/dining room/living room/office.  The office is an area in the open space that is a converted second bedroom so I suppose you could cordon it off again but, as it is, it's not really a +1.

But it is a good space as is if you don't need the +1.  I wouldn't say it is the brightest loft with the only windows being the 2 corner windows in the dining room area...

27 Brock Ave #106 7.png

But if you like to close your bedroom door and have your room in full darkness, this is the place for you.  I'm just not so crazy about that bathroom location but that isn't the worst.

 The asking price is $1,099,000.

Considering this has been listed for a little over 2 weeks and there are only 2 windows, that price may be a little high.

Nice place though.  Good faucet too.

PRICE DROP - 316 Indian Road - HIGH PARK, TORONTO (8 Comments)

PRICE DROP - 316 Indian Road - HIGH PARK, TORONTO (8 Comments)

PRICE DROP - 441 Heath Street East - BENNINGTON HEIGHTS, TORONTO (23 Comments)

PRICE DROP - 441 Heath Street East - BENNINGTON HEIGHTS, TORONTO (23 Comments)