
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


 6 Fort Rouille Avenue - PARKDALE, TORONTO

6 Fort Rouille Avenue - PARKDALE, TORONTO

This is a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom row house on an 11.25 x 93.5 foot lot at 6 Fort Rouille Avenue in the south park of Parkdale in Toronto.

It is a house that used to look like this…

6 Fort Roille Ave before.png

It has been redone and reminds me of the house at 48 Carlaw Street in the Studio District on the east side of the city…

48 Carlaw Ave 1.png

Both are small, narrow, 1 bedroom condo alternatives in changing neighbourhoods.

This place is smaller but I prefer the style and finishes to the Studio District house. And they have worked well with the space that they do have.

The house at 48 Carlaw Avenue was listed in November for $729,000. It sold fast for $876,500.

This place that is smaller and across the street from a bus station, the Union Station train tracks, and the Gardiner…

6 Fort Roille Ave .png

Is listed at $749,000.

Wonder if they will throw in the whatever this thing is…

6705 - 1 Bloor Street East- BLOOR AND YONGE, TORONTO (8 Comments)

6705 - 1 Bloor Street East- BLOOR AND YONGE, TORONTO (8 Comments)

35 Mariner Terrace #2509  - ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT, TORONTO (1 Comment)

35 Mariner Terrace #2509 - ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT, TORONTO (1 Comment)