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320 Glen Road - NORTH ROSEDALE

I really wish the agent for this house located at 320 Glen Road in Rosedale would put some better pictures up on the internet!!  You know, some high resolution pictures of ALL of the house.  And maybe a few shots of each room from different angles.  Please!!!  We need more photos

I am intrigued by this house.  It looks nice.  I think the living room has a fireplace but I can't see it.  I think there are 3 more bedrooms but they don't show them.  There might be a washroom or 4.....but you don't want to see those on the internet....    

Instead, you want to stop your busy day, call your agent, have your agent call their agent, wait for your agent to call you back with a time that they have available, when the owners are available and when you are available, confirm that time, drive over to the house, walk around for 3 minutes just so you can see what the fireplace and bathrooms look like!!  And the other 3 bedrooms!!  

This house seems to have it all.  Lots of bedrooms, lots of bathrooms, a nice backyard (or maybe not since we can't see it) and all of it has recently been renovated by renowned designer, Connie Braemar.  I want to see more pictures.......from my my pajamas....then I will decide if I want to go see this house.

Please more pictures!!!

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UPDATE!  A Floor Plan!:

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