
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.




Located just south of Eglinton,west of Mt. Pleasant and around the corner from the alleged new Freed Condos, this 3 bedroom, 4 bathroom semi is a nice new family option with a great recent reno.

I feel like the price of $899,000 is high though.  It is close to the Mt. Pleasant village shops and the reno is really nice but there are some issues.

 I am not sure why they stuccoed the house, there is a massive apartment building staring into the backyard,  and the street is very busy.  Also, I am guessing that basement has some water issues.  Between the new tile floors and the new weeping tiles, there have clearly been some problems.  Maybe the new weeping tiles fixed it but I am not so sure.

And what is with the hairdresser sink in the basement?  Not really an issue but just odd.

And that mural on the wall under the stairs.  Can't decide if I love it or hate it.  I think I hate it.  The placement of the sofa is a bit odd too but that can be changed.  I LOVE the colours of the floors, and the fireplace is really nice though a little bit on the large size but am not crazy about the kitchen.  It doesn't seem to fit in this house but it is still a really nice, well done kitchen with a good size. And I am not seeing where, or how the backyard would have been redone.  The only thing that looks like it might be new are the wood steps and the hostas.

All in all, this is a really well done reno in a good location.  But I think it is overpriced at $899,000.  I think I would have gone with $799,000 or $829,000.  

It is a nice house though!  And it comes with the tvs!!

64 Belvidere Avenue - VAUGHN AND OAKWOOD

64 Belvidere Avenue - VAUGHN AND OAKWOOD

The Art Shoppe is Sold! - YONGE AND EGLINTON

The Art Shoppe is Sold! - YONGE AND EGLINTON