
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


122 Shaftesbury Avenue in 2011 - SUMMERHILL

122 Shaftesbury Avenue in 2011 - SUMMERHILL

Here is the house I posted earlier from a previous listing in March 2011 (thanks to my reader for pointing out the agent has this house as sold on her site.  Guess she got the listing again!)

Either the people that bought last year hated the train or are moving cities.

I much prefer the style of the furniture as it is in this listing.  It isn't as stuffy.  No grandfather clocks.  And it is nice to see that the bathroom isn't actually green.  It is really nice!

It was listed at $789,000 then.  It is now listed at $755,000.  $34,000 LESS.

Guess they didn't get asking last time!

32 Stewart Street - KING WEST

32 Stewart Street - KING WEST

237 Waverley Road - BEACHES

237 Waverley Road - BEACHES