
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


PRICE DROP - 15 Astley Avenue - ROSEDALE

PRICE DROP - 15 Astley Avenue - ROSEDALE

This Markham beauty located at 15 Astley Avenue in the heart of Rosedale has had a price drop.  

It has gone from $3,500,000 to $3,320,250.

That isn't going to help.

This lot is amazing at 45 x 203 but the house is odd and I don't think a reno will help it.

Something great could be built here but the street is pretty busy and there are better houses to be purchased for $4,500,000.


927 Logan Avenue - PLAYTER ESTATES

927 Logan Avenue - PLAYTER ESTATES

mishMASH Monday

mishMASH Monday