
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


2 Hedgewood Road - YORK MILLS

2 Hedgewood Road - YORK MILLS

Warning:  There are a LOT of pictures in this post...

This 2+2 bedroom, 4 bathroom house on the hill over looking Hoggs Hollow is kind of nuts.

It is eclectic and a museum of the last 40 years (or more).

From the bust with the safari hat, to the red Godzilla, to the plaid bedspread and gingham wingback chair... to the Lenin bust .  That is Lenin isn't it!!?!  The face looks too broad to be Lenin and do I see Einstein, or is it Edison? Who is that?

The whole house is like one of those I Spy kids books.

I don't know where to begin or end!

The house, at least the living room, reminds me a lot of the house in Montreal at 3170, Place de Ramezay.  I wonder if Peter Hamilton was the architect for that place as well.

The property is listed at $3,995,000.

Crazy or perfect?

Or perfectly crazy?

Holy Crap!  I just noticed that 1 x 4 inch stacked tile hard wood floor.  THAT is perfectly crazy.

How many teenagers do you think smoke butts and drink beer at that dead end though?

20 Rosemount Ave - REGAL HEIGHTS

20 Rosemount Ave - REGAL HEIGHTS

And it went for....

And it went for....