
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


201 Vesta Drive - FOREST HILL

201 Vesta Drive - FOREST HILL

Do you see a difference to these kitchens?


Well, the bottom one is Betty and Don Draper's old kitchen from Mad Men and the top one is the kitchen of this $1,595,000 house currently for sale in Forest Hill.

Clearly this place needs a lot of work.

It is $230,000 less than the house at 2 Ava Road around the corner which is actually located on Spadina that could also use a little bit of work but definitely not as much.  And this one doesn't have much of a yard.

(I swear there was a similar house listed yesterday on Ava as well but now I can't find it.)

I suspect that whoever buys this will tear it down and put in a typical Forest Hill new build.  Something like this:

I'm thinking it will sell for more like $1,450,000.

They should keep that front door though.  I love it.

It suits the chair.

39 Albany Avenue - ANNEX

39 Albany Avenue - ANNEX

354 Inglewood Drive - MOORE PARK

354 Inglewood Drive - MOORE PARK