
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


77 Victor Avenue - RIVERDALE

77 Victor Avenue - RIVERDALE

This 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom house is big.  Too bad there are only 2 bathrooms.

Maybe that is why it is priced at only $769,900.

You can see from the front hall shot that this house is a little rough around the edges.  It may have been restored recently but it wasn't renovated.  And I am not into the archway decals all over the place, especially the gold painted ones in the bedroom.

Oh, and those ceiling medallions.  Too much!

And though the kitchen looks new, I am not liking it.  Is that river rock backsplash!?!

How great would it be if the kitchen looked like this instead?

But I think if the buyer of this house is into what has been 'restored', this isn't the type of kitchen they would want.

This is a big house that could use some work...

But given what has been going on in Riverdale, this place will probably sell for well over the asking.

Probably high $800,000s.

mishMASH Monday

mishMASH Monday

And it went for....

And it went for....