
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


584 Gladstone Ave - DOVERCOURT PARK

584 Gladstone Ave - DOVERCOURT PARK

This house has sold but was on the market for over a week.  I remember seeing it but was a little underwhelmed, especially by the 'curb appeal'.  Is that really a white door!?!

And I wasn't into the plaid wallpaper.

But then I took another look at it,  looked at the streetview and I found this guy walking in front of it...

And all I could think about was the Best Looking Guy in the World....

I bet the owner of this house is whistling down the street right now singing 'Bim Bam Baby' because they just sold this house for $711,000, 11% more than the $639,900 asking price!!

Look at that front door!  The trim isn't even painted!  What else was left 'undone'?  I would be out at that door.

PS.  Doesn't this house remind you of 305 1/2 Woodfield on the other side of the city?  At least that place had a good looking front door.

223 Clendenan Ave - HIGH PARK

223 Clendenan Ave - HIGH PARK

And it went for....

And it went for....