
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


59 Helena Avenue - WYCHWOOD

59 Helena Avenue - WYCHWOOD

Wow!  This house shows really well.  At first it reminded me of the house at 36 West Avenue  in South Riverdale that was also immaculate (but had more walls).  That house was listed at $679,000.  I am not sure what it sold for but it sold in under a week so I am guessing at least asking.

This house in Wychwood is 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms on an 18.42 x 140 lot and it is listed for $749,000.

Considering that it actually feels bigger and has a better yard than the South Riverdale house, I think the price is really good.  Plus, it is a less sketchy neighbourhood.  It has an insulated attic that apparently can me converted into a loft (I guess for an office).  And it has a lot of inclusion like the window coverings, in-ground sprinklers, sandbox, and the basement and garage shelving.

That's right, it has a garage too!

This is a terrific house at a good price on a nice street in a really good neighbourhood.  It was just listed yesterday and I can't imagine it will stay on the market long.  If this were in Riverdale, it would sell for mid $8s for sure.

632 Clinton Street - SEATON VILLAGE

632 Clinton Street - SEATON VILLAGE

175 Crescent Road - ROSEDALE

175 Crescent Road - ROSEDALE