
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


263 Rhodes Avenue - NORTH LESLIEVILLE

263 Rhodes Avenue - NORTH LESLIEVILLE

This house in North Leslieville is only 2 bedrooms but has 2 bathrooms, is detached and has a big yard.  It is listed at $499,000.

This inside of this house feels like a much smaller version of the house at 205 Yarmouth in Christie Pitts that was listed at $599,900 and sold for $671,256 but it was 3 bedrooms and had a full basement with a fireplace.

The outside looks very similar to how the house down the street at 55 Rhodes that I posted in March used to look like before they changed the look...

From this...

To this...

It was last listed in 2008 for $369,00 and sold in March for $685,000.

What do you think?  Is this too much?  Maybe a little.

Side note...how many people do you think trip on that step at the bottom of the stairs?  That's awkward.

And it went for....

And it went for....

39 Daneswood Road - LAWRENCE PARK

39 Daneswood Road - LAWRENCE PARK