the MASH

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17 Wroxeter Avenue - RIVERDALE

This is a gutter.

It is a 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom house on a 25 x 105 foot south facing lot with a 2 car garage.

That is pretty good. 

But is $829,900 too much?

This house needs at least $350,000 to do it right and your neighbour's house is still a gutter.  But the location is great, there is parking, your house is done exactly how you want it and even though the neighbour is still a gutter, if this house was done right, it could easily sell for $1,500,000.

So no, this isn't too much.

Remember the house at 225 Havelock Road in Dufferin Grove?  It was smaller than this house and it had no parking but it need a lot less work.  

It sold for $915,225.  I thought that if it had parking, it could have even gone to $945,000.

I don't think this will go as high but it won't be far off.

I think this will sell for $929,000.

Think the new owners will keep that faux brick fireplace?

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