Two days ago, after I posted that RIDICULOUS listing at 30 Hanson Street in the Greenwood-Coxwell area in Monarch Park...
You know, the one with no running water, no toilet, no shower, no sink, no bed....
Just a sewer grate to p-ss in....
The one that is listed at $229,000...
Or $1,211/square foot!!!?!!!
I started to wonder what else was out there in Toronto for that price.
And, though there isn't a lot, I did find this condo.
They just broke ground apparently so it won't be ready until October 2014* (hopefully), and it is right across from a streetcar garage...
But it has running water!!!!!!!!!
And a nice kitchen, and a nice bathroom, and a room that will fit a queen sized bed, maybe even a king, LAUNDRY, a FRIDGE...
It also has one of these...
That's right.
It's a TOILET!
Not a sewage grate...a TOILET....that FLUSHES!!!
The asking price is $239,990, or just $10,990 more than the GARDEN SHED/SHACK at 30 Hanson Street!
Sure, it has $278.25/month condo fees...
But it has RUNNING WATER!!!!

Kind of something you want after spending a quarter of a million dollars!
And if we are going to compare the cost per square foot, this one is more than half the price of Hanson at $517/square foot. Plus, it has a deck with BBQ hook up! And if you are into farmer's markets, it is steps to the weekly Leslieville Farmer's Market.
So, if $230,000 is your budget, which one is your choice?
Even if you aren't into condos, this one is the hands down winner.
That 30 Hanson Street listing is a joke.
*corrected to reflect 2014 completion, not 2013.