
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


822 Palmerston Avenue - SEATON VILLAGE, TORONTO (11 Comments)

822 Palmerston Avenue - SEATON VILLAGE, TORONTO (11 Comments)


This house had an offer night last night and there were 13 offers.

It is a 3+2 bedroom, 3+1 bathroom house with a 2 car garage and 2 additional spots on a corner lot at 822 Palmerston Avenue in Seaton Village.

And over the last few days, I have received a LOT of emails about it.  According to one reader...

Seaton Village is going BANANAS about It.

When I asked why (cause I wasn't really feeling it), the response was...

It’s a big, interesting detached house that’s been renovated, but is still charming and quirky.


But the layout of the first floor was weird with a garage blocking access to the backyard.  And speaking of the backyard, this is it...

822 Palmerston Ave 54.png

Which I assume is why, according to the listing, the current owners said that they feel the front porch is one of the best features of the house.  Apparently, they liked to sit on the porch while hidden by the trees they have planted and sip wine while their kids would play in the park across the street when they were younger.

Sounds kind of amazing, I agree.

But I'm guessing their kids no longer use the playground because it would be kind of hard to see them through this...

822 Palmerston.png

The kitchen of this house is new, the bathrooms are new, the basement is large with a new bathroom, and there is a rental unit located over the garage.

This house was listed at $1,822,000.

With 13 offers and negotiations that apparently went well into the night according to one of those 13 offers...

This Seaton Village house sold...

For $2.47.

4381 Lakeshore Road - NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO (6 Comments)

4381 Lakeshore Road - NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO (6 Comments)

57 Astley Avenue - ROSEDALE, TORONTO (8 Comments)

57 Astley Avenue - ROSEDALE, TORONTO (8 Comments)