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73 Homewood Avenue - CHURCH AND WELLESLEY

73 Homewood Avenue - CHURCH AND WELLESLEY

When you consider what this bed and breakfast, called the Banting House Inn, used to look like...

It's kind of hard to believe that it is the same house.

The owners Scott (also the manager) and Gabe have done a great job updating this B&B.

I love the new style.  The rug in the dining room is great and all the rooms.  I am assuming this could be  sold as a B&B or as a home.  It wouldn't require many changes to make it a home but the location would be a bit weird.

And I love that they have given all the rooms a Canadian name: The Prairies, The Okanagan, The Jasper, The Algonquin, The Maritimes, The Banting, and The Canada Room.

As a B&B, the ratings on TripAdvisor are excellent.

Not to mention the write up a week ago by Gwen McAuley of Canadian House and Home.

So, why are they selling if it gets such good reviews!?!

This house/B&B is currently listed at $2,430,000.

But it was also listed in the fall for $1,990,000.  

So why have they raised the price?  

Is it possible that the house with a similar feel (though a LOT more over the top) at 297 Carlton Street sold for over $3 million and I missed it!?!

If it did, it would definitely make sense that this place could go for higher than $2 million...but it does look like the kitchen needs to be redone and there is no coach house not to mention the location isn't nearly as good, at least for now.

Still, this is going to be a good one to watch...

Interesting little fact...this house is named after Frederick Banting who was the primary discoverer of insulin.  I had no idea insulin was discovered in Canada!  Here he is with his wife Marion Robertson on their wedding day....

And I am guessing this is also a photo of him sitting in the front hall...

P.S.  I LOVE the black walls with the unpainted wood!  And is that Tom Thomson?

current photos via

before photos via

60 Jackman Avenue - PLAYTER ESTATE

60 Jackman Avenue - PLAYTER ESTATE