
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


355 Briar Hill Road - ALLENBY

355 Briar Hill Road - ALLENBY

 How PISSED are you as the neighbour when not only has this office building/apartment building conversion been built on your street.....

But all of these trees are now gone as well!!!!!!!!!!

Sure, they needed pruning but THIS!?!?!?!

I would be pissed.

And can we PLEASE stop with these Grey Houses!?!

This one is the last straw.

It looks like an office/apartment building converion but it's not.  It is a brand new build because what was here before was a tudor-y looking thing.

WHAT is THIS about?

Like the other grey houses, this one has a toilet issue...

This is a new build.  Couldn't they have put the toilet so that it wasn't facing into the room and basically onto Avenue Road.

That is another thing about this house.

It is right on Avenue Road.  If there were trees, this wouldn't be so much of a problem but this is the view from the master bedroom...

That is Avenue Road.  It might not look like it in this picture but it is a BUSY street.

So, for 4+1 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms on a 51.77 x 107.05 foot lot, will this house sell for its $1,899,000 asking?


MAYBE if they added a few trees.

But seriously!?!

WHAT is this....

(thanks to J for sending this in!)




PRICE DROP - 191 Withrow Avenue - RIVERDALE

PRICE DROP - 191 Withrow Avenue - RIVERDALE