
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


9 Tacoma Avenue - SUMMERHILL (3 Comments)

9 Tacoma Avenue - SUMMERHILL (3 Comments)

In August, I posted at 2+1 bedroom, 2 bathroom row house on a 13.75 x 71 foot lot at 8 Tacoma Avenue in Summerhill.

It was a small but move-in-ready row house in a high demand area.

It was listed at $1,089,000.  It sold for For $1,226,439.

Three weeks later, this 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom row house on a slightly wider 15 x 71.25 foot lot has come on the market.

And it's a good house but without the staging furniture, it makes me think of this...



But it could be a great house with an updated kitchen and some new paint.

The asking price for this house is $1,185,000.

Considering the house across the street that was narrower but with a more updated kitchen sold for $1,226,439...

This will probably sell around ask...maybe a little more.

listing, photos via

163 Heath Street East - MOORE PARK (1 Comment)

163 Heath Street East - MOORE PARK (1 Comment)

44 Colin Avenue - CHAPLIN ESTATES (7 Comments)

44 Colin Avenue - CHAPLIN ESTATES (7 Comments)