363 Sorauren Ave PH 3 - RONCESVALLES
Apparently this loft apartment located in Ronsecsvalles was featured in Canadian House and Home. My guess is that there was a PAST owner who lived here when this place was in the magazine.
The kitchen is great even though it is a mess (why is the Brita water filter still on the counter?). I love the backsplash, that island marble is beautiful, the brass pulls are amazing and I love the concrete floors.
The bedrooms doors are also amazing...
But then you get to the living space. There is no way that couch made it into Canadian House and Home.
Something like this would be soooo much better....
And that den/office with that IKEA shelving unit. What a mess!
It is a bright space, the kitchen is beautiful but it is all overpriced. Roncesvalles may be a hot neighbourhood but $569,000 for a 1 bedroom, 890 square foot loft!?! That is $640/square foot.
That is A LOT!
But it IS nice......