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Have you ever heard of Green Demolition?

Well, this is the first house in Vancouver to receive a `deconstruction permit` allowing for the green demolition.

Of course there is Habitat for Humanity where you can take an old door or stove or piping.  But this goes a step further. This house in Vancouver is being torn down and instead of being lazy and just sending it to a land fill, these owners are spending the extra time (but apparently not extra money) to have the materials of the house be recycled.

Will this catch on?  From the looks of the deputy city manager guy, he is talking to a LOT of people so there is clearly an interest in Vancouver!  Could it spill over to the other cities with bungalow tear downs?

I`m  looking forward to seeing the final product.  And a new build that won`t be too dissimilar from the original house!!  

What a concept!

(via ctvbc)

16 Inglewood Drive - MOORE PARK

16 Inglewood Drive - MOORE PARK

258 Sorauren Avenue - RONCESVALLES

258 Sorauren Avenue - RONCESVALLES