
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


612 Logan Avenue - RIVERDALE

612 Logan Avenue - RIVERDALE

Do you REALLY want to live in Riverdale but feel like you are being priced out of the market?

Well, here is an option!

It is 13 feet wide on a 50 foot lot.  It has one bedroom and one bathroom.

The taxes, hydro and gas total $3,829/year or $319/month.

And the price of the house is $384,900.

It was listed in 2009 for $349,000.  That is probably a better price for it now but I am sure it will sell for asking or even $50,000 over.

People are crazy about Riverdale these days!!

892 Carlaw Avenue - PLAYTER ESTATES

892 Carlaw Avenue - PLAYTER ESTATES

And it went for....

And it went for....