
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


50 Sullivan Street - CHINATOWN

50 Sullivan Street - CHINATOWN

Yes, this was the Toronto Life House of the Week 2 weeks ago.

It was listed then at $1,749,000 and the price has since dropped to $1,629,000.

It isn't the best looking house from the outside and if you aren't into open plans, you won't like the inside either. 

Several commenters at TL thought this place was awful but I won't go that far.  I think it is pretty good but I don't understand why the stairs are at the south end of the house blocking the view of the city.  That is unfortunate.

And the fact that some of the commenters at TL said the finishes were not top grade is too bad as well.  You can see a bit of the wonky tiles in the second floor washroom.  You can literally see each tile sheet!  That is no good.

But when you consider that the 71 Morningside house in Swansea sold for just $114,000 LESS makes this place look like a steal!!

If you like to be in the city, you like this style but it is out of your price range, the house at 95 Ilford in Wychwood is still on the market for $1,144,000 or the place at 68 Dovercourt with the open toilet is still available for $1,198,000.  You could always build a wall around that open toilet/bathroom if that isn't your thing....

Granted they are both smaller with one less bedroom but they are also $400,000+ cheaper.

I think the price drop for this place was a good idea.  They might need to go a bit lower though considering that tile and the location is still a bit sketchy.  But if you can get it for low $1,500,000s?  Not bad for 3,700 sf and a 2 car garage in the middle of the city.

And it went for....

And it went for....

46 Alberta Avenue - WYCHWOOD

46 Alberta Avenue - WYCHWOOD