
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


659 Dovercourt Road - DUFFERIN GROVE

659 Dovercourt Road - DUFFERIN GROVE

In June, I was convinced that Editor-in-Chief of Canadian House and Home magazine triplex was going to sell for $1,650,000.  It didn't and was delisted a week later

It was a little smaller than this triplex with only 2 floors but was nicer.  The kitchens and bathrooms are better, the location is better, and it is just all around nicer.

A few readers didn't like the layout of her house but I did.  I thought each upper apartment having stairs was a good idea.

This place is listed for $1,589,000.  Does it come with the owner's lights?  I like those.  Too bad about the dining room light location though....and the unimpressive kitchens that could have been so much better.....the cheap looking mirrored closet....the finishes like the painted brick on the front porch

It just doesn't compare to Lakeview.

I don't think this is a $1.6 house especially when you consider that it was last listed at $849,000 less than a year ago. 

 Maybe $1,399,000....$1,450,000 tops.

The BEFORE pictures...

The AFTER pictures....

205 Glen Road - ROSEDALE

205 Glen Road - ROSEDALE

268 High Park Avenue - HIGH PARK

268 High Park Avenue - HIGH PARK