the MASH

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173 Westminster Avenue - HIGH PARK/RONCESVALLES

This house has seen better days.

Other than the green paint and runner at the front (and the white siding), this house looks like it is in great shape.

Inside...not so much.

This is a gutter but it could be great.  It just needs a LOT of work.

It is is listed at $949,500.

It probably needs a good $500,000 (if not more) to fix this up properly but it sits on a 32 x 130 foot lot with a private drive.  That is a big plus!

If the house at 144 Galley Avenue on the other side of Roncesvalles can sell for $1,023,000...

Or if the house down the street at 162 Westminster Avenue that wasn't huge and didn't have parking sold for $1,112,000...

There is no reason this house couldn't sell for $1.5+ once it was done, if it is done right.

This will probably sell fast.

I am a little confused at all the new windows though.  That is a big expense and when there are holes in the wall and ceiling, is that where the money is best spent on 'fix-ups'?

PS.  Is that a case of Heineken Light?  Who is hanging out here drinking?

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