
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


312 Gladstone Avenue- LITTLE PORTUGAL

312 Gladstone Avenue- LITTLE PORTUGAL

These are some interesting listing photos!

And considering that this semi is apparently leaning towards the house beside it (according to the reader who sent this in, thanks A!), I am surprised they chose to use the above picture!!!

That panoramic view makes the house look like the house is falling into the next house, not just leaning!

But the Google Streetview photo makes it look like it is standing a little more upright...

I am actually not certain about the extent of the leaning but this house was listed a few times over the last few years....

March 2009    $244,900

October 2010   $488,800

September 2011   $498,000

It has now been relisted for a few weeks at $475,000.

So...if it IS leaning, how the funk do you fix it?  I have no idea....any builders/engineers/anyone know if this is fixable?

I suppose it could be demo'd which has happened to some semis in Toronto like this one done by Modern Dwelling's Rudy Bortolamiol....

But is it worth it at that price tag to buy it, demo it, and rebuild?

Well, he was able do his place for $550,000!

If this house were to be rebuilt, it doesn't need to be as fancy as Bortolamiol but a good semi with good styling in this neighbourhood could easily sell for $800,000 or more!

So....why didn't someone buy this at $244,900!?!

That is the question.


And it went for....

And it went for....

20 Metcalfe Street - CABBAGETOWN

20 Metcalfe Street - CABBAGETOWN