This house was listed at $549,900.
It is 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and it sits on a 14.75 x 125 foot lot.
It is bright and a good size plus they have that light from Delux restaurant that I love (not sure who makes it).
The kitchen isn't done in this house but I really like it, the floor and all. That kitchen has personality. I wonder how it works though.
Even though the smaller house at 34 1/2 Bellwoods had a new kitchen, the 2 houses are comparable. It sold for $679,000 and it was on half the lot depth.
And then there is 14 Manning which was smaller but sold for $701,170.
So, they went with $549,000!?! Makes me think they were looking for a bidding war at this house.
And they clearly got one.
This house sold for $732,000.
Wonder who is behind those Geminis...
And that Emmy...
photos via