
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


31 Manning Avenue - TRINITY-BELLWOODS

31 Manning Avenue - TRINITY-BELLWOODS

This isn't a big house, but it's a good house.

It's 3+1 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms on a 13.92 x 103.17 foot lot with a detached garage for 1 car.

It's surprisingly bright, the windows are new, the floors look new (though I don't love them), and though the kitchen isn't new, it has been painted to look not so tired.  And it works.

This is a great house with a basement.

For some reason, I feel like it has been listed for a bit but I can only see that it has been listed since last week.

The asking price is $719,000.

With parking?

It will sell fast.


30 rock animated GIF

The fridge opens the wrong way!


25 Maclennan Road - ROSEDALE (UPDATE)*

25 Maclennan Road - ROSEDALE (UPDATE)*

SOLD - 33 Blythwood Road - SHERWOOD PARK

SOLD - 33 Blythwood Road - SHERWOOD PARK