
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


RELISTED - 103 Victor Avenue - RIVERDALE

RELISTED - 103 Victor Avenue - RIVERDALE

In October, I posted this 4+1 bedroom, 4 bathroom house on a 20 x 110 foot lot at 103 Victor Avenue in Riverdale.

It was a house that looked like this a year ago...

So, this house is a HUGE improvement.

And the second I saw the interior photos, I thought of the house at 34 First Avenue...

Not only were the floors and kitchens basically the same, it had the same staging as well.

And for the most part, it was a good flip but I didn't get why the first floor bathroom entrance was at the front door and not at the bottom of the stairs.  

There was no door to the master bathroom which drives me nuts.  If you are not going to put a door on the bathroom, at least put the toilet in its own space with a door.

It looked like the basement wasn't lowered and the shower hardware wasn't great quality.

But overall, it was a good house with lots of bedrooms and a good yard.  There was just no parking.

It was listed at $1,488,000.

A week later, for some reason, it was off the market and was listed 'For Lease' for $6,500/month.

It's now back on the market...

For $1,498,000.

Wonder if it will get that $1,650,000 sale I thought it would get the first time around....probably not.


PRICE DROP - 358 Sumach Street - CABBAGETOWN

PRICE DROP - 358 Sumach Street - CABBAGETOWN

AND IT WENT FOR - 351 Euclid Avenue - LITTLE ITALY

AND IT WENT FOR - 351 Euclid Avenue - LITTLE ITALY