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14 Forbes Avenue - OLD UNIVERSITY, GUELPH (3 Comments)

14 Forbes Avenue - OLD UNIVERSITY, GUELPH (3 Comments)

This is a 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom house on a 51 x 132 foot lot at 14 Forbes Avenue in the Old University neighbourhood of Guelph.

I’m not super famililar with Guelph so I am not sure if this a good location or not (though I am guessing being near the river and between downtown and the university is probably a good thing), but I do know that this is a good house.

When I saw it, I was thinking the inside would look more like the house at 115 Morrison Road in Oakville


But this house has been modernized with a modern kitchen and family room but it still retains some of the features from when it was built around 1875. I’m not sure if that stone wall in the family room and master bedroom was the original outdoor wall, but it helps add original feel to the modern kitchen.

The bathrooms are good though it is weird that there are 2 bathrooms side by side with one only having a bath and the other only a shower (plus a sink and a toilet in each).

But the style fits the house.

Here is what it used to look like from the outside before it was renovated…

14 Forbes Ave before.png

And here is what it looks like from the side now…

14 Forbes Ave 89.png

So, it looks like they got rid of that covered walkway from the garage to the house to create that family room.

But there is still the garage. And as for the backyard, it is a good size.

I’m just not sure about the location being on the corner lot beside what looks like a very busy street. Perhaps that is one of the reasons this place has been on the market since at least August.

The asking price is $1,299,000.

Considering this town is about to see the addition of a morning trip and an afternoon trip added to the Guelph -Toronto GO route at some point this year (sure, it’s 2 hours, but it’s available)...

Maybe the price isn’t so nuts.

And you just might get a glimpse of the Biebs…

Definitely worth the price.

PRICE DROP - 232 Rose Park Drive - MOORE PARK, TORONTO (1 Comment)

PRICE DROP - 232 Rose Park Drive - MOORE PARK, TORONTO (1 Comment)

635 Millwood Road - DAVISVILLE VILLAGE, TORONTO *UPDATE* (1 Comment)

635 Millwood Road - DAVISVILLE VILLAGE, TORONTO *UPDATE* (1 Comment)