the MASH

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84 Rusholme Road - DUFFERIN GROVE, TORONTO (9 Comments)

If this house isn’t already all over Pinterest, it will be soon.

According to the listing, it is a 4+5 bedroom (huh?), 6 bathroom house with a studio in the backyard (instead of a garage I think) with a 1 car front pad parking at 84 Rusholme Road in Dufferin Grove in Toronto.

I’m not sure how the +5 bedroom would work without having to walk through another bedroom so I would say it is more of a +2 house with the 2 bedrooms in the basement apartment.

But ignoring that, if you are good with not having a huge dining room, this is a great house.

There is a lot of black (even the computers are black) so if that isn’t your thing, you would have to do a lot of painting. But considering that the house seems really bright, I personally really like the black.

I’m not sure how much staging is happening here but I am guessing not too much.

Either way, it looks great.

This house is listed at…


If the really close proximity to College is seen as a benefit, this will sell fast.

This garbage bin storage is also a plus…

P.S. It’s looking like Aesop soap is the new Pellegrino.

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listing, photos via Jagged Lens

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