Several years ago, I posted this 4+1 bedroom, 5 bathroom house with a 2 car garage on a 25 x 97 foot lot at 14 Rolyat Street in Beaconsfield Village in Toronto.
It was a row house that used to look like this…
It was on the market in 2016 for $949,900 and sold for $900,000.
After the full renovation and addition, it was back on the market in August 2018 for $2,900,000. It sold a month later for $2,825,000.
Four years later, it was back on the market in June of 2022. And for the art alone, I have no idea why I didn’t post it. Here are the photos from that listing…

It was listed at $4,298,000 which was a huge increase from the last sale. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t sell and the price was dropped to $3,990,000 a month later.
Again, it was still a large increase and it didn’t sell.
It is now back on the market without the interesting art that has been replaced with staging art but most of the same furniture.
It is now listed at $3,578,000.
I think it will sell this time around but maybe not quite at ask.

listing, photos via birdhousemedia.ca