
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.




This is an interesting duplex property.

It looks like it is the whole building that is painted white but it is just the half to the left.  And it looks A LOT better than it did a few years ago.  

Love the red paint instead of a street number!

Now there are actual numbers and the doors are painted pink. 

The door on the left leads to the 2nd floor owner's suite.

It is large and bright but the yellow kitchen is a bit much too.  WAY too bright for me.  And there is a lot of railing happening.  I can't decide if I like that.  Glass would look really good.  Plus, I am not sure about the painting of the woman in the bad camel cords...

The first floor apartment is accessed from the pink door on the right of the building.  It is a good size with a large kitchen and chicken blinds.

I am not sure how to access the couch house but it is a good one bedroom apartment.  And it is a better location than this couch house apartment!

The whole place is listed at $1,195,000.

Considering that this place at 276 Markham sold for $970,000 and wasn't as nice, it seems like the price is good.

It might be $100,000 over but it will probably sell for asking.

Where did this light come from?  I love it.

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