
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


25 Rathnelly Avenue - RATHNELLY* (click photo to see full post)

25 Rathnelly Avenue - RATHNELLY* (click photo to see full post)

There is so much that makes me happy about this house....

I just wish there was a little more colour happening in the first part of the house that you see when you walk in.

I get that perhaps a boucherouite rug might be kind of gross under the dining room table, especially if you have kids...but it might bring a little more life.

Or hang this on the wall instead of that perhaps fancy, expensive though super boring photo on the dining room wall....

BTW, you have done your taxes, right?

Well, of course you have and what else do you have to do than build a pom-pom garland!!!????

Seriously, this house needs a pompom garland.

I do like the kitchen style even though the space doesn't feel used.

And I LOVE the living room.

It's kind of what 154 Langley Avenue wanted to be....

But I feel like it is missing a boucherouite rug.

Basically, what I am trying to say is that with a little more colour....

This house kicks -ss.

That chair in the living room reminds me of the best, most ugliest, most beautiful chair ever...

This is a great house....

I just don't like the price.

It's only 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms on a 20 x 110 foot lot.

There is no parking.*

It's priced at $1,679,000.

Even though the house is amazing, this is going to be a tough sell.......

*CORRECTION:  there is one parking spot.




RELISTED - 132 Yarmouth Road - CHRISTIE PITS* (click photo to see full post)

RELISTED - 132 Yarmouth Road - CHRISTIE PITS* (click photo to see full post)