
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


66 Spruce Hill Road - BEACHES, TORONTO (4 Comments)

66 Spruce Hill Road - BEACHES, TORONTO (4 Comments)

loves it.gif

Except for this...

66 spruce hill.png

Why weren't the sink and dishwasher located where the microwave was?

66 spruce hill 2.png

It was awkward and would be even more awkward when loading the dishwasher while your guest stared at you from the dining table.  The whole island should be turned.

But it can't be which would really bug me.

Otherwise, this is a great house.

In 2015, it was listed at $1,499,900.  I thought it could sell for $1,725,000 if the sink wasn't an issue...$1,650,000 if it was.

Turns out the sink was an issue and it sold just over $1.65.

Three years later, it is on the market again and with a 10% annual increase, the asking price could be $2,200,000.

The asking price for this house is now...



45 First Avenue - OAKVILLE, ONTARIO (7 Comments)

45 First Avenue - OAKVILLE, ONTARIO (7 Comments)

80 Mathersfield Drive - ROSEDALE, TORONTO *UPDATE* (3 Comments)

80 Mathersfield Drive - ROSEDALE, TORONTO *UPDATE* (3 Comments)