
Welcome to the MASH where we gossip about current real estate listings.


And it went for....

And it went for....

I first posted this house at 30 Whitehall in Rosedale in November 2011.

It is 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and it sits on a 35 x 110 foot lot.

It was listed at $1,795,000 and never sold.

When it was relisted just few weeks ago, the price was dropped to $1,675,000.

I thought it would sell closer to $1,625,000 but apparently there were issues with the basement.

It sold for $1,550,000.

And if you're wondering...this place is getting a full gut and the basement will be 'dug out, lowered, and corrected'.

Can't to see it when it is done!

Thanks to 'B', the proud new owner of this house for sending this in!  

And congratulations!!  Good luck with the reno!

SOLD - 168 Fulton Avenue - PLAYTER ESTATES

SOLD - 168 Fulton Avenue - PLAYTER ESTATES

756 Logan Avenue - RIVERDALE

756 Logan Avenue - RIVERDALE